Meeting Andrew Brischler

instagram: @andrewbrischler

Andrew Brischler is probably one of my favorite artists. I did not know of him before but after meeting him virtually and exploring his studio, he’s definitely become someone that I can look up to. He is a very vibrant and utterly honest horror movie fanatic.

I loved how he described his work process, and how he feels about the art that he creates. When Andrew creates, he’s not going to make something to appeal to someone’s eye, he’s not going to care about that. He cares about creating art that is visually appealing to himself. He brought up a very great point of how movie posters draw viewers attention, and he said that he creates his art in a way to seduce and captivate the viewers eyes to wanting to see more, and I honestly have not thought about art the same way.

Andrew talked about his grad school experience and how he started off creating grunge art because it’s how enclosed and frustrated he felt during that time, and he didn’t enjoy his art. He realized that he needed to find himself through his work and when finding his style he was able to identify that his art had reflected how he was during that period of his life.

Andrew’s confidence and honesty inspired me to grab my pencils and get into drawing. There are not many people that would give useful advice as Andrew had and I definitely think I have developed more as an artist and strengthened my mind through our conversation. I also felt more comfortable with myself when he said that He doesn’t like trying different mediums because he doesn’t like not being good at something, which I find myself feeling in the same position at times. We all live in a time where there’s a lot of repetitive art, and great artists, where it seems like the only thing we can do is try to create these standards of competing with artists that we’re unlikely to match, which is just unhealthy. As long as you focus on yourself and figure out what you’d like to work on and get better, you will only succeed.
